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Cosmos (Original) - Carl Sagan.pdf - Google Drive The Cosmos television series and this book represent a hopeful experiment However, I would like to acknowledge, especially, B. Gentry Lee; the Cosmos production major focus of their interests, the Spice Islands, present-day Indonesia. But scientific experimentation is manual labor, from which the slaveholders are. May 28, 2016 ENGLISH, POPULAR SCIENCE, ASTRONOMY. Addeddate: 2016-05-28 05:14: 55. Coverleaf: 0. Identifier: Cosmos-CarlSagan. Identifier-ark CARL SAGAN Cosmos CONTENTS Introduction 1 The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean However, I would like to acknowledge, especially, B. Gentry Fee; the Cosmos to one major focus of their interests, the Spice Islands, present-day Indonesia. But scientific experimentation is manual labor, from which the slaveholders 21 Sep 2006 COSMOS. Pengarang : Carl Sagan Tebal : 450 halaman. Tahun : 1997. Penerbit : YOI (edisi terjemahan bhs Indonesia) Penerjemah : Prof.
- 375
- 1159
- 1072
- 1828
- 1944
- 443
- 623
- 650
- 1586
- 625
- 946
- 1013
- 800
- 379
- 1447
- 1036
- 1501
- 1254
- 1554
- 511
- 1917
- 1839
- 470
- 1065
- 1026
- 161
- 934
- 296
- 1589
- 299
- 637
- 857
- 1498
- 245
- 1333
- 733
- 1436
- 639
- 1330
- 1306
- 1879
- 1984
- 498
- 618
- 1189
- 1060
- 1693
- 1264
- 1729
- 1642
- 991
- 1039
- 801
- 459
- 1321
- 602
- 764
- 919
- 282
- 1690
- 864
- 1998
- 327
- 309
- 156
- 1303
- 134
- 115
- 303
- 66
- 616
- 224
- 1205
- 38
- 1855
- 1972
- 447
- 1838
- 1101
- 1241
- 1033
- 1336
- 1948
- 1308
- 1598
- 57
- 1040
- 924
- 731
- 1970
- 518
- 358
- 1641
- 442
- 294
- 1987